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Handed to me by Uncle Mullet himself, or maybe it was Gladys. We where donating some things to the refuge
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Helped a homeless friend Classic starving artist struggled after Covid. A place to stay for several months helped her get bac...
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With a friend Always and forever will I stay on the path
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Great Things Working together to make great things happen

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Grandmother passed it on to me.(Grandson) My grandmother's brother gave this to her and now she gave it to me
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Gave friend treatment Gave some kind words
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Recent Replies

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I think I was to one to send the supplies and if I was, I just want to say that I was happy to be ab...
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Uncle mullet
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Kevin is very good at informing campers on a weekly basis
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You are Awesome! Food was Great too! :-)
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It really was quite remarkable to watch the combination of eulogy and a roast! Shortly after we met ...
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It really was quite remarkable to watch the combination of eulogy and a roast! Shortly after we met ...
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LOVE my cousins @ORiley!! Thank y'all for all you do to help us get moving!
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That is Wonderful! Keep On Keepin On!
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